When God Has Other Plans

Last Sunday morning, I was scheduled to serve as a prayer counselor at my church. Other Sundays, I’m a member of the worship team. I was also looking forward to participating in chapel service at a women’s shelter in a couple of weeks. I love my church family and all the opportunities to serve.

Back to last Sunday. I woke up to my usual alarm at 6:00, plenty of time to sip coffee with my husband John and walk our lovable Shih Tzu named Paavo. Our dog is our only kid, and we can’t imagine life without him.

But instead of walking Paavo and going to church, the morning was spent at the local animal emergency room. Paavo had begun to tremble and whimper, obviously in excruciating pain. In the waiting room, I texted our prayer team leader, explained why I would not be in church, and asked for prayer. She immediately replied that they would be praying for us and “sweet Paavo.”

After examining Paavo and giving him a pain injection, the doctor explained that Paavo was likely suffering from intervertebral disc disease (IVDD). Since Paavo could walk, his condition could be managed without surgery. 

My heart sank as I listened to the discharge instructions: 4 weeks of strict rest in a crate or confined area to allow healing. No running, jumping or excessive walking. Paavo would have to be carried outdoors for potty, then right back in the house. Plus three medications. Paavo loves to run in our yard and go for long walks. I was heartbroken for him.

Obviously, schedules had to be cleared. My family needed me at home for the next few weeks. That meant no worship team or prayer team. And I felt a twinge when I realized I’d have to miss our chapel service at the women’s shelter. Months of saying “yes” came to a temporary screeching halt. 

But I am reminded that challenges and disappointments are also opportunities to grow in grace. I may think I have it all figured out — where and how I will serve — but God reminds me that I am not in control. 

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

We are a week into Paavo’s convalescence and recovery. He improves every day and wants so badly to run, jump and go for walks. For a change of scene, I sometimes carry him to another part of our neighborhood. He sniffs and sniffs for just a few minutes, just being a dog and savoring this all-too-brief break from IVDD “jail.”

I look forward to returning to my church activities in a few weeks. But meanwhile, God has other plans. When I see a smile in Paavo’s eyes after we play a gentle game, my heart melts. His expression softens as John strokes him and reassures him. We softly tell Paavo that he’s going to be all right, that he needs to rest so he can heal.

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Romans 12:2

Sometimes following Jesus leads to an unexpected bend in the road — a detour in a carefully drawn roadmap. But those interruptions can bring unexpected graces in ordinary circumstances. It can be as simple as a smile on my dog’s face, where there once was fear and pain. Or seeing my husband with renewed affection, as he soothes and cares for Paavo. 

With Jesus as my Lord and Savior, God can transform me through my circumstances. He loves me as no one else can — enough to die for me. 

How about you? Are interrupted plans leaving you discouraged and frustrated? If you haven’t already, maybe this is the time to put your life in God’s hands and accept that gift of salvation. 

Multitude Monday: 186-193


A wise friend told us the other day that home-ownership is yet another opportunity to see how Jesus answers prayers. That certainly turned out to be true last week, after we discovered a slow, bubbling leak in our front yard, coming from underground. Many phone calls followed, along with price quotes and questions about water main pipes, sprinkler control valves and frost lines. This Multitude Monday, we are indeed thankful for answered prayer and many blessings, including:

186. A much more affordable pipe repair than we had feared, completed in a few hours. How Jesus carries us through again and again!

187. Carrying water to the back yard flower beds, giving the plants CPR as we wait for a sprinkler system tune-up.  Feeling the uneven, cool ground beneath the soles of my shoes. Remembering working in a garden, years ago at my grandfather’s house. Blessed to be working in our own garden now.


188. Meeting our neighbors, waving across the street, across the yard. Respecting what has already been built, taking the first tentative steps toward belonging.

189. My first morning walk through the neighborhood…the first —  I hope — of many walks and runs!

190. Quiet evenings with the sun shining through our patio door, with no sound except for wind chime in the breeze. Able to hear ourselves think, realizing how big-city traffic had drowned out our thoughts for the past two years. Watching the birds dart through the golden light, catching bugs.


191. Watching our cat Lucky stake out his favorite new places and settle into new rituals. Catnaps under the comforter, behind the couch, in front of the door.




192. An impromptu late-afternoon nap for us as well, not realizing how much we needed plain old rest and sleep. Feeling the mind let go of the checklist, the number-crunching, the “don’t-forget-to” and “what-do-we-do-if.”

193. Seeing Jesus working in our everyday lives, renewing our hope. Knowing that He is here now, ready to catch us, comfort us or nudge us in a better direction.

“But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.” John 14:26

I hope you’ll join us at Ann Voskamp‘s blog for more Multitudes on Mondays. See you there!


Multitude Monday: 156-163


If we listen and watch, God teaches us through the creation. Take plants, for example. Here in the dry, hot South Central Texas summers, we can learn a lot about gratitude from plants.

156. Reaching out to friends in other states and even other parts of the world. Sensing the warmth of friendship, in spite of all the miles.


157. Resilience and hope that brings growth and healing, whether mending bones or hearts.

158. Reaching down deep, knowing that the living water will sustain us, even in dry times.


And there are many personal reasons for gratitude this week.

159. My husband John’s good report from his 8-week post-op appointment. No more neck brace!

160. A day trip with John after he was cooped up in the house for weeks.

161. Witnessing the success of a writer friend who inspires and encourages.

162. Seeing our cat asleep in the crook of John’s arm, watching me with one sleepy eye open. Not having the heart to take a picture and disturb the snoozing kitty.

163. Unexpected inspiration from a quote by Celia Thaxter (1835-1894), fellow New Hampshire native and author of An Island Garden:

“There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart.”

For more Multitudes on Mondays, join us at A Holy Experience. Savor the summer and have a beautiful week!






Five-Minute Friday: Present

Five Minute Friday

This week’s prompt is present. Just write for five minutes, no editing, no second-guessing. Then join us at Lisa-Jo Baker’s blog for more Five Minute Friday!

Here I go…


Lucky watching

My brain is still on fire from  week of writing, deadlines and more writing. It’s Friday evening and I am letting the dust settle. My husband has already gone to sleep. Sweet dreams!

Maybe I’ll watch some TV…no, maybe I’ll just read. Wait, our cat Lucky has his catnip mouse and looks at me with that “I’m just a poor kitty” expression. I feel guilty when I pretend I don’t see him. Poor kitty, I think, you don’t know what it’s like to have brain overload and need to sit still and do nothing.

Lucky finally hops onto the back of the couch and rests with his head in the space between the cushions. I can hear him sigh. I watch his eyelids close and he drifts into a nap as I quietly reach for the TV remote. Poor kitty. The catnip mouse lies on the floor, covered in kitty saliva.

I see familiar faces from sitcom reruns…a little bored, I wonder what Lucky’s doing. His eyes are half open as he watches me watch TV. He squints twice and begins to purr, and I thank him for this present!


That’s my five-minute write. Have a wonderful weekend, friends!

Multitude Monday: 128-134

When I step outside the blinding “should haves” or “could haves”, my eyes open to “thank God I have!” Thanks to Ann Voskamp at A Holy Experience for hosting Multitudes on Mondays. My gratitude list continues:

128. Good report from my husband John’s post-op follow-up appointment. His determination inspires me every day.

130. Family who continue to offer help throughout John’s recovery when John and I need it. Special thanks to Mark and Susan once again, for their generous help with transportation, and for their encouragement.

129. Listening to rain as I write this post. It’s an especially welcome sound as we struggle to emerge from a long drought here in Texas.

130. Independent thinkers who remind me to look beyond party affiliation and focus on reality and compassion.

131. Chile rellenos casserole for Sunday brunch…thanks to John for a great idea! Then a couple of hours later, I got out the pots and pan again and made pumpkin-apple pancakes!

132. San Antonio Spurs!!

133. Boston Bruins!!

134. Our cat Lucky settling into his favorite chair. Just may change his name to Archie Bunker 🙂

Hope you’ll link up at A Holy Experience with your gratitude list. Have a blessed week!

Wordless Wednesday: Security Blanket

Join us for Wordless Wednesday at Create With Joy, and share a favorite picture! After a topsy-turvy week of changing routines (the worst offense in a cat’s mind!), our dear cat Lucky enjoys a peaceful moment with his favorite crocheted afghan. Luck has a generous heart…sometimes, he even lets us borrow the afghan for a nap!Lucky afghanAlso shared at Robin’s Nest…See you next week, friends!