Five-Minute Friday: Last

Five Minute Friday

This week’s Five Minute Friday prompt is “last.” At Lisa-Jo Baker’s blog, we gather each week to share our nonstop, unedited, five-minute writes. Hope you’ll join us!

Here’s mine:


The last thing I remember before falling asleep is the peace of hearing you breathing. The last thing I remember before waking up is the remnants of a dream I don’t even remember.

Now that I am wise for my years, I know what is made to last: memories of laughter as a child, the soft beauty of grass under my feet, love that took a lifetime to find. When I drink in an exquisite sunset with its orange symphony, the wonder of colors lingers into the next morning.

When I meditate on the truths that set me free, that bring peace and joy, and grace and mercy, I learn that these are the things that are made to last.

With a humble and quiet heart, I see God’s gifts with new eyes every morning, no matter what dreams disturbed my sleep. I thank God that the last thing I hear is your peaceful breathing, and my thankful prayers.

Five-Minute Friday: Broken

Five Minute Friday

Here we are at Five-Minute Friday again! This week’s prompt is “broken.” All you have to do is write from the prompt for five nonstop minutes — no edits, just keep writing. Then go to Lisa-Jo Baker’s blog to share your post and read other five-minute writes!

Here we go…


“The X-ray looks great,” the neurosurgeon smiled during my husband’s 8-week followup. “The bones are fusing as they should…”

I didn’t have to hear more. After the words “looks great,” my attention drifted into comfortable, easygoing gratitude.

But what about the broken pieces of the past two months? The trauma was almost too much to bear for us at times. Changing bandages was a mystery to me those first two weeks. Our hearts broke two or three times, at least, as we negotiated the foreign highways of recovery, walkers, neck braces and pills.

Our cat didn’t miss a beat when John first came home. Ready for a lap, Lucky’s head tilted upward, puzzled. For a cat, a broken routine is not a small thing.

We hand the broken pieces to each other, and then to the One who heals all wounds, and make our plans.


There! It’s always a pleasure to read other Five-Minute Friday posts. Hope you’ll join the writing party!






Five-Minute Friday: Belong


On Fridays, we gather at Lisa-Jo Baker’s blog to share our five-minute writes!  All you have to do is write to the prompt for five minutes, no edits. This week’s prompt is “belong.”

Here I go!


Something about the word “belong”…it started in second grade, when I was old enough to know who belonged and who didn’t. School is a harsh place for the word belonging, especially for a shy, sensitive only child who wanted so badly to belong.

She went home every afternoon, where she could rest and find her haven from the cliques and backbiters. She listened to her parents’ soothing records, and learned to love violin music.

The first place she belonged, outside of home, was in the orchestra, where the conductor did his best to enlighten young artistic minds.

Later, as her hair grayed, she found the Master Artist, who had created her from his own colors, who guided her heart to true love.

With Him we all belong.


That’s my five-minute write for this week. See you next Friday!

Five-Minute Friday: Present

Five Minute Friday

This week’s prompt is present. Just write for five minutes, no editing, no second-guessing. Then join us at Lisa-Jo Baker’s blog for more Five Minute Friday!

Here I go…


Lucky watching

My brain is still on fire from  week of writing, deadlines and more writing. It’s Friday evening and I am letting the dust settle. My husband has already gone to sleep. Sweet dreams!

Maybe I’ll watch some TV…no, maybe I’ll just read. Wait, our cat Lucky has his catnip mouse and looks at me with that “I’m just a poor kitty” expression. I feel guilty when I pretend I don’t see him. Poor kitty, I think, you don’t know what it’s like to have brain overload and need to sit still and do nothing.

Lucky finally hops onto the back of the couch and rests with his head in the space between the cushions. I can hear him sigh. I watch his eyelids close and he drifts into a nap as I quietly reach for the TV remote. Poor kitty. The catnip mouse lies on the floor, covered in kitty saliva.

I see familiar faces from sitcom reruns…a little bored, I wonder what Lucky’s doing. His eyes are half open as he watches me watch TV. He squints twice and begins to purr, and I thank him for this present!


That’s my five-minute write. Have a wonderful weekend, friends!

Five Minute Friday: Comfort


Welcome to Five Minute Friday, hosted by Lisa-Jo Baker. Each week, we write for five minutes from a prompt. This week’s prompt is “comfort”…here goes:


After weeks of worry, appointments, tests and more worry, I receive an invitation to a prayer circle. I loosen my grip on the day. I exhale into my prayer and melt into God’s arms. There are no words…only comfort.

Husband watches me rush headlong into my fears, and I see his heart in his eyes. He knows what it is to worry, and what it is to comfort. My hand is small in his grasp.

Five minutes later, I remember who I am, and that I love the lake shore, a chilly breeze on my face, and the smell of caramel corn. Those days are coming, and they comfort us as we wait for smooth waters and sparkling days. With the click of a mouse, we see our future, and we imagine the possibilities that comfort us.


My five minutes are up. Hope you’ll join us!

Five-Minute Friday: Here

Five Minute Friday

This week’s prompt for Five-Minute Friday is HERE. Join us and share your five minutes of edit-free writing! Here’s my contribution for this week:


Today I wrote on the razor’s edge. The delete button should be here, but I can’t find it. I want to delete my blogs, delete my poems….delete myself. I am crying out but do not even realize it until I remember that He created me. I am supposed to be here. Confusion, fear and the unknown press in, but I am here because He is here. Just can’t seem to find that delete button. Reluctantly, I start a new post and look for new titles to write.

Our cat snoozes under the desk and his ear flicks away an itch. I watch the day draw to an end and imagine how contented our cat must be, living from nap to nap, knowing that every need is met. As I watch the neighbors walk their dog in the dry, crunchy grass, I curl up in His presence and ease into the writing, contented to get out of the way and let the words flow. Evening is here and I am still writing. My dear husband sleeps in the next room after a day of too much thinking. And the One who covers us all is here. Immanuel.

Five-Minute Friday: Perspective

Today’s Five-Minute Friday prompt is “perspective.” Write a post for five minutes — unedited — and post a link to your blog at The Gypsy Mama. Here goes:

When I was a kid, my artist parents would give me basic drawing lessons: light and shade, rendering, color, and perspective. I was impressed with the way a couple of lines would meet at the center of the page and make the scene look as though it were farther way. Just a couple of lines would change the entire perspective of the drawing.

I learned that I could see more if I backed up and gained a broader perspective. We would go to art museums and look through art books, where I learned about the Impressionists and their ability to place colors side-by-side to create something visible when seen from a distance.

Artists mimic the creative brush strokes of the Master Artist. No one else can see from His perspective, and no one else sees the broad picture that He sees. I must try to remember this more often, as I fret through a crisis or challenge!


Could have said so much more…but since this is Five-Minute Friday, it’ll have to wait for another blog post. Have a blessed weekend!


Five Minute Friday: Full

This week, as always, The Gypsy Mama hosts Five Minute Friday. All you need to do is write to a prompt for five minutes — no editing, tweaking, etc. — and link up. Won’t you join us?

Here’s my five minutes for this week:

The word “full” reminds me of the many times I mistakenly think I am empty. I want a full bank account, a full refrigerator, a full life. I was working on a Bible study last night, in which I was reminded that even when we do not feel the Lord’s presence, He is working in our lives at all times, every moment, even during the “gap” periods that feel empty.

I am full of the help that comes from the Holy spirit. I may not remember or always sense this, but I know it is true. The dry, empty moments are times that remind me that only God can truly fill the empty places in my life and my soul — and He does! I am filled with awe when I see a beautiful view or watch the birds feed their young. I am filled with joy when I spend a quiet evening at home with my husband or walk each morning with my mother. I am filled with God’s love for me, and the hope that comes from this love.


That’s it! Hope you’ll share a five minute write with us!

Five Minute Friday: Grateful

It’s Friday again, and that means it’s time for Five Minute Friday, hosted by The Gypsy Mama. Each week, a word is posted as a writing prompt. Write from the prompt for five minutes with no editing, and then share your post with others.This week’s prompt is GRATEFUL. Here we go…

Once again, the Holy Spirit has moved in my life in ways that are perfect for me. My mind has been occupied with worries, appointments, and other busy details which leave me feeling torn down and tired. I am grateful that so many “coincidences” — God-incidences — have opened my eyes to His power in my life.

I am grateful for a book I have just reviewed, which on the surface is a mystery and love story, but which really is about rebuilding and finding hope.

I am grateful that this novel I reviewed came along at the same time I am studyng the book of Nehemah, a book which tells the story of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem — a story which has implications in my own need for rebuilding in my heart.

I am grateful that my counselor has given me — in a Christ-centered practice — tools for rebuilding peace and confidence in my mind.

****Five minutes are up! So much more I wanted to say, but it’s still in my heart. Won’t you join us with your thoughts on the word “grateful”?****

Five-Minute Friday: Backwards

Welcome to my first post for the weekly 5-Minute Friday prompt. Each week, participants write for 5 minutes — no editing — on the given prompt.  This week, the prompt is “backwards”. Join us for 5-Minute Friday at The Gypsy Mama!

Here we go —

How many times have we felt that our lives were sliding backwards — along with our dreams, desires, plans, and futures? How many times have wise friends admonished me to wait on the Lord and His perfect timing? When the Lord says, “My ways are not your ways”, He reminds us that from His eternal perspective, backwards may be forwards, up may be down.

I have walked through this truth in my own life. Some apparent setbacks — a few quite traumatic — actually were what I call “course corrections.” The most dramatic “course correction” of my life has been the years I spent in off-and-on homelessness. This experience brought me to a state across the country — from New Hampshire to Arizona. I discovered my faith and the Lord at a Christian shelter for women and children, and began my own ministry later on. Praise God for the “backwards” times!

That’s my 5-minute write. Hope you’ll add yours!

One last thought…from Isaiah 55:8-9 (NKJV):

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways, says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts higher than your thoughts.”