Multitude Monday: 186-193


A wise friend told us the other day that home-ownership is yet another opportunity to see how Jesus answers prayers. That certainly turned out to be true last week, after we discovered a slow, bubbling leak in our front yard, coming from underground. Many phone calls followed, along with price quotes and questions about water main pipes, sprinkler control valves and frost lines. This Multitude Monday, we are indeed thankful for answered prayer and many blessings, including:

186. A much more affordable pipe repair than we had feared, completed in a few hours. How Jesus carries us through again and again!

187. Carrying water to the back yard flower beds, giving the plants CPR as we wait for a sprinkler system tune-up.  Feeling the uneven, cool ground beneath the soles of my shoes. Remembering working in a garden, years ago at my grandfather’s house. Blessed to be working in our own garden now.


188. Meeting our neighbors, waving across the street, across the yard. Respecting what has already been built, taking the first tentative steps toward belonging.

189. My first morning walk through the neighborhood…the first —  I hope — of many walks and runs!

190. Quiet evenings with the sun shining through our patio door, with no sound except for wind chime in the breeze. Able to hear ourselves think, realizing how big-city traffic had drowned out our thoughts for the past two years. Watching the birds dart through the golden light, catching bugs.


191. Watching our cat Lucky stake out his favorite new places and settle into new rituals. Catnaps under the comforter, behind the couch, in front of the door.




192. An impromptu late-afternoon nap for us as well, not realizing how much we needed plain old rest and sleep. Feeling the mind let go of the checklist, the number-crunching, the “don’t-forget-to” and “what-do-we-do-if.”

193. Seeing Jesus working in our everyday lives, renewing our hope. Knowing that He is here now, ready to catch us, comfort us or nudge us in a better direction.

“But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.” John 14:26

I hope you’ll join us at Ann Voskamp‘s blog for more Multitudes on Mondays. See you there!


Multitude Monday: 171-177


Join us as we share our gratitude every Monday. It’s a great way to begin the week! Here is my gratitude list for this week:

171. The legacy of Martin Luther King. On this special day, we celebrate the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.. As I was growing up in Yonkers, N.Y., my parents supported his work and taught me the importance of his life. I was only seven years old when he died, but his teachings inspired me during my childhood and continue to guide me today.

172. A visit to the San Antonio Mission Trail, one of our favorite places to spend a Sunday afternoon.

San Juan cross
Wooden cross at Mission San Juan in San Antonio, Texas.

173. This fellow visitor to Mission San Juan, who stayed nearby until I could take his picture.

San Juan Mockingbird

174. A letter from our sponsored child in Ghana. We have a picture she drew on our refrigerator. As my mom says, “every refrigerator should have a child’s drawing on it!”

175. Great books by great writers who continue to teach through the decades. A copy of Hemingway’s A Movable Feast, which my husband is reading, lies on our coffee table. I learn about writing even when I just pick up the book and read a few random pages.

176. Unusually warm weather for this time of year (even in South Central Texas), after a cold snap a few of weeks ago.

177. Some relief today from the mountain cedar pollen, which has been inundating our area. I hope this is the beginning of the end of the season!

And I hope you’ll join us at A Holy Experience, where you can read more gratitude lists and maybe share yours. Have a wonderful week!



Multitude Monday: 164-170


After two weeks on the road and visiting friends in Arizona, I am refreshed and ready to write! Many thanks to Ann Voskamp at A Holy Experience for hosting Multitudes on Mondays.

164. A wonderful two-week vacation with my husband John, touring Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. The scenery, such as Arizona’s painted cliffs, was like nowhere else on earth.

AZ paintedcliffs 2

165. Visiting friends in Flagstaff, Arizona more than four years after I moved to San Antonio, Texas. Northern Arizona’s San Francisco Peaks come into view on Highway 40:

AZ SFPeaks

166. My Arizona friends — who are family to me — finally met my husband! John and I especially enjoyed attending the annual banquet for the women’s shelter where I worked and lived.

167. Peace and quiet at our rented cabin in Sedona, Arizona, where the only sound was the rushing waters of Oak Creek. We had a chance to relax, take pictures of the scenery, and adjust to the altitude!

Sedona cabin

168. Thundershower our last night in Sedona filled the canyon with clean, fresh post-rain air.

Sedona cabin rain

169. A scenic trip home through Las Cruces New Mexico. Stunning views of the San Andres Mountains from our hotel, and a stunning sunrise:

Las Cruces Sunrise

170. A safe arrival home to San Antonio!

Multitude Monday: 156-163


If we listen and watch, God teaches us through the creation. Take plants, for example. Here in the dry, hot South Central Texas summers, we can learn a lot about gratitude from plants.

156. Reaching out to friends in other states and even other parts of the world. Sensing the warmth of friendship, in spite of all the miles.


157. Resilience and hope that brings growth and healing, whether mending bones or hearts.

158. Reaching down deep, knowing that the living water will sustain us, even in dry times.


And there are many personal reasons for gratitude this week.

159. My husband John’s good report from his 8-week post-op appointment. No more neck brace!

160. A day trip with John after he was cooped up in the house for weeks.

161. Witnessing the success of a writer friend who inspires and encourages.

162. Seeing our cat asleep in the crook of John’s arm, watching me with one sleepy eye open. Not having the heart to take a picture and disturb the snoozing kitty.

163. Unexpected inspiration from a quote by Celia Thaxter (1835-1894), fellow New Hampshire native and author of An Island Garden:

“There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart.”

For more Multitudes on Mondays, join us at A Holy Experience. Savor the summer and have a beautiful week!






Multitude Monday: 148-155


As I write this, we’re watching the agonizingly slow progression of rain toward our region. Here in South Central Texas, even a hint of rain is a reason for gratitude! Why not celebrate the simple gifts with us at Multitudes on Monday at A Holy Experience?

rain 08102012

148. Microwave stopped working. Why am I happy about this? Because I had forgotten how delicious bacon smells when it’s sizzling in a skillet!


149. Cooking dinners with my mom. We’ve enjoyed this since I was a kid, and always will!

150. Thunderstorms in the forecast all week…much needed rain and cooler temperatures (well, cool compared with 100+ degrees!).

151. My husband John is getting stronger almost 2 months after surgery…finally able to enjoy photography again, like he did in this picture from before surgery 🙂

DSC_0144 compressed

153. Looking forward to traveling with John and visiting friends…praying that we can do this later his year.

154. Quiet Sunday afternoon, enjoying crochet instead of the computer!

155. Studying for my social media professional certification…fun!

Multitude Monday: 141-147


Been blessed in so many ways this week. Hope you’ll join us with  your gratitude list at A Holy Experience!

141. Working on a new blog with my husband John. I love the fact that we enjoy working on creative endeavors together!

142. Connecting with my Flagstaff, AZ friends. Looking forward to visiting soon, we hope!

143. Recognizing new ways to serve and encourage, ways to reach out with my faith.

144. John’s recovery from surgery…he felt well enough to do some cooking this morning!

145. Getting back to my fitness routine after about a month off. Ouch!

146. Unexpectedly ran across Beethoven’s 9th on the radio. That was a pleasant surprise…love Beethoven!

147. Chai latte…I especially love the flavors of cloves and cinnamon. Enjoying a cup as I write!

Multitude Monday: 128-134

When I step outside the blinding “should haves” or “could haves”, my eyes open to “thank God I have!” Thanks to Ann Voskamp at A Holy Experience for hosting Multitudes on Mondays. My gratitude list continues:

128. Good report from my husband John’s post-op follow-up appointment. His determination inspires me every day.

130. Family who continue to offer help throughout John’s recovery when John and I need it. Special thanks to Mark and Susan once again, for their generous help with transportation, and for their encouragement.

129. Listening to rain as I write this post. It’s an especially welcome sound as we struggle to emerge from a long drought here in Texas.

130. Independent thinkers who remind me to look beyond party affiliation and focus on reality and compassion.

131. Chile rellenos casserole for Sunday brunch…thanks to John for a great idea! Then a couple of hours later, I got out the pots and pan again and made pumpkin-apple pancakes!

132. San Antonio Spurs!!

133. Boston Bruins!!

134. Our cat Lucky settling into his favorite chair. Just may change his name to Archie Bunker 🙂

Hope you’ll link up at A Holy Experience with your gratitude list. Have a blessed week!

Multitude Monday: 122-127

Most of this week’s Multitude Monday is about my husband John’s neck surgery last week. All is well now, and I have many reasons to thank God. Thanks to Multitudes on Mondays at A Holy Experience, I can share my gratitude with others.

122) “He’s fine.” Those were the first words that John’s surgeon said to John’s mother and me after we had sat in the waiting room for four hours. I had prayed for those words for the past two months after learning that John would need spinal surgery.

123) “You can stay as long as you need to.” The hospital even provided a comfortable recliner for me so that I could stay the whole time with John. John heard many encouraging, kind words from the nurses and PCA’s as we stayed at the hospital for four nights after his surgery.

124) “It’s French toast today.” The first day, I bought lunch at the hospital cafeteria, but later learned that they would bring me a guest tray in John’s room for every meal. The meals were delicious — especially the French toast — and kept my energy levels going. Nurses and PCA’s brought John ice cream and other cooling snacks whenever he needed them.

125) “We’re here if you need anything”. John’s daughter Vanessa drove us to the hospital Friday morning and Mark and his wife Susan kindly picked us up the following Tuesday. Lots of prayer and encouragement from family and friends the whole time!

126) Home and healing. John is gradually healing and gaining strength at home. His favorite books are nearby to nourish his spirit, and he has been writing, reading and walking better every day. We have a couch that reclines on each end, so nights are spent with John sleeping at one end of the couch and me sleeping at the other end. If his next med dosage is at 2 or 3 AM, we watch TV until we fall asleep again.

127) Back with my small group. Now that John is doing better, I will rejoin my small group from my church. Can’t wait to study, share and pray with this wonderful group of women!

Colossians 3:15 – And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful. (KJV)

Multitude Monday: 117-121

I’ll search one more time, I thought  last night. We moved a lot of boxes last month so maybe it’s in the hall closet. Sure enough, the familiar box containing our favorite CDs sat at the bottom of the closet. Within a few minutes, I was sitting in the living room, listening to the music I had missed. I was the only one still up, so I sat back and just let the music wash over me.

It’s the beginning of a challenging week, and I’m glad to be part of Multitudes on Mondays at A Holy Experience:

117. Found a box containing our favorite CDs. We had misplaced the box about a month ago, and I found it this weekend. My husband’s favorite CDs, as well as CDs from some of my good friends, are in that box, and we missed our music so. “Soaking ” in some worship music as I write and as I prepare my heart for a challenging week.

118. My husband John’s hopeful spirits as he prepares for surgery later this week.  Can’t say enough about how much this means to me as we look forward to the challenges of recovery and then the promise of better days ahead.

119. Encouragement from John’s family. Just as I was feeling overwhelmed and inadequate, my brother-in-law’s wife Susan called to offer support. We even had a few laughs…meant a lot to me!

120. Discerning new callings. Just as I had settled into a quiet, somewhat predictable life as a freelance writer, there is much shifting and reassessing as the Lord puts a new call on my heart.

121. Good books. As I’ve said before, books are like oxygen for me. Right now I’m reading Bunker Hill: A City, A Siege, A Revolution by Nathaniel Philbrick, and The Fourth Fisherman by Joe Kissack. The Bunker Hill book is a birthday/anniversary gift from John, who knows I love American Revolution history!

Thanks for visiting…hope to see you at Multitudes on Mondays…have a blessed week!

Multitude Monday: 109-116

It has been too long, and there is so much to say. When life and its worries became overwhelming, I tightened my grip, choosing to white-knuckle my way through challenges. How much better it is to turn worries into worship! This week, I continue my list for Multitudes on Mondays at A Holy Experience after a long absence, choosing gratitude over gritting my teeth. Here it is:

109.) This week’s invitation to a prayer circle. This invitation began my turnaround from worry toward gratitude. I thank the ladies at Ruby for Women for that email invitation, and for a wonderful community.

110.) Fourth wedding anniversary today! Thankful for my husband John, and for many more years of friendship and love. When we first met, I knew that God had his fingerprints all over this relationship!

111.) The many guest speakers at Saddleback Church the past couple of months. Their inspired words have helped the church community heal, and have helped me discern callings I hadn’t previously recognized. Even though I am part of the online campus, I feel a strong connection to Saddleback as the church heals from loss.

112.) Refreshing, cooler than normal May weather. In Texas, this only comes after thunder and hail.

113.) Writing opportunities that line up with my certificate in fitness. Now I can fill in that writer portfolio!

114.) Healthy but yummy foods…like these quinoa cakes! They taste extra good because the quinoa is toasted first.

quinoa cakes

115.) Watching the NBA playoffs with my husband and my mom. Go Spurs!

116.) Pizza that arrived late.  Amazing how God can use late pizza to teach me and lift my spirits! I wanted to treat my mom to pizza and a movie this Mother’s Day, so I ordered online. We waited an hour and a half, and I was beating myself up because I couldn’t make things turn out “right”…silly, but true! My husband arrived home from a visit with his mom, and still no pizza. Well, the pizza arrived after I called and asked about the order…and we got an extra free pizza because it was late! Things were not as they seemed, and turned out better than originally expected! Hmm, could be some wisdom to that 🙂

That’s my list for this week. Hope you’ll link up with your list!