Thankful Thursday: Christmas Spices


Welcome to Thankful Thursday, hosted in December by Iris at Grace Alone.  Do visit her blog and join us!

“Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in Him.” (Psalm 34:8)

This week, as Christmas approaches, I am thinking about the fragrances and flavors we associate with the holiday — especially cinnamon, nutmeg and other spices. Sometimes the mere thought of these aromas brings a cozy feeling…and we can be thankful that many of them are even good for you! For example, I am thankful to learn that…

…cinnamon has antibacterial properties, and may even help reduce blood sugar in people with diabetes. Cinnamon tea can also help with cold and flu congestion.

Cinnamon stick tea can help fight a cold!

…nutmeg can help with a wide range of symptoms, including insomnia, anxiety and joint pain. For centuries, it has been a remedy for digestive upset.

…ginger is a classic remedy for stomach upset, as well as for coughs and nasal congestion. You can make tea from grated or sliced ginger, or add a few drops of essential oil to steaming water and breathe in the vapors.

…cloves, with their atibacterial, anti-inflammatory properties, help relieve coughs from bronchitis and maintain digestive tract health.

All of these benefits are gifts directly from God’s creation. And they taste so good, too. In Psalm 34:8, we are reminded that the Lord is good; here, the word “good” can mean bountiful, cheerful and yes, merry. What could be better than that?