Five-Minute Friday: Belong


On Fridays, we gather at Lisa-Jo Baker’s blog to share our five-minute writes!  All you have to do is write to the prompt for five minutes, no edits. This week’s prompt is “belong.”

Here I go!


Something about the word “belong”…it started in second grade, when I was old enough to know who belonged and who didn’t. School is a harsh place for the word belonging, especially for a shy, sensitive only child who wanted so badly to belong.

She went home every afternoon, where she could rest and find her haven from the cliques and backbiters. She listened to her parents’ soothing records, and learned to love violin music.

The first place she belonged, outside of home, was in the orchestra, where the conductor did his best to enlighten young artistic minds.

Later, as her hair grayed, she found the Master Artist, who had created her from his own colors, who guided her heart to true love.

With Him we all belong.


That’s my five-minute write for this week. See you next Friday!

13 Replies to “Five-Minute Friday: Belong”

  1. Thanks for sharing your story of finding your place of belonging with us at FMF. It’s so beautiful every time someone finds their belonging in Jesus.

  2. So nice! I also found a great place to belong as a child sitting on the mention of an old piano – the notes would fill the room and drown out the words that kids use to make cliques… And yes to belong to Him is the best… if only I had know then…

    Thanks for sharing your five minutes!

  3. Oh, I think we were all that shy girl at one point or another in our lives. We were made for each other, and on some level, we all know it. Some know it earlier than others…I think you were one of the early ones.

    I love your gray hair! And how wonderful that you are so connected to music. My name is Cecilia, and St. Cecilia is the patron of musicians!

    Thank you for your heart-felt post. Nice to meet you through FMF!

    Happy Friday,

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